Lecturer at the Department of Telematics of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
Received his doctoral degree in 2012 from the Department of Informatics at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain (Title of the thesis: Project Patterns to Manage Knowledge in Software Development Organizations.)
Received in 2004 his MEng degree in Informatics Engineering from the Department of Informatics at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain (Final project: Client-Server platform for tele-educational frameworks).
In Oct. 2005 he commenced his Doctoral Programme in Computer Engineering which he continues until now. Currently, he is working on “GPS Project” (Plataforma de Gestión de Procesos Software; Software Process Management Platform) funded by the Educational Ministry of Spain.
His main research subjects, within the GISAI groups at UPM, are Internet of Things, Cyber physical systems, Knowledge management, Information Retrieval, Research Methods.